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  • Writer's pictureHoward Chang

2023 Annual Meeting

  After going through the ups and downs of 2023, we received a consolation prize from the competition just before the Lunar New Year, which eased the hard work of everyone at Seed Space for a year. 2023 was also the stage “Two of Three” of Seed Space, and after the Lunar New Year, we will officially enter the stage “Three of One”. So in January, before the Lunar New Year, we finally found time to get together and have a year-end (party) meeting (kick).

This was actually a memorable day. Seed Space looked back at the previous two stages after six years of walking on thin ice, and we did not disappoint ourselves. But because of this, the pressure from ourselves was: “The next stage should not disappoint ourselves either!” We boldly set a goal that only we know, from stage “Three of One” to “Three of Three”. I secretly think that more than half of the people in the photo don’t know how hard it is, but worrying too much will prevent us from moving forward, so it’s a good thing to be able to smile like this, and I believe we will always smile and complete stage three, after all, we are doing very interesting things.

Partners! Let’s work hard to maintain our dental health for a long time, bite our teeth, take good care of our skin so that it can always be tight, irritate our boss, bully our colleagues, and smile and move forward. There are still many owners and spaces in the world waiting for us to save. Even in the midst of fire and water, don’t be afraid, beer and singing will save us.

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